Read aloud or translate

Speak Out Newham

A voice for people with learning disabilities and autistic people in Newham.

What does Speak Out Newham do?

  • acts as a voice for people with a learning disability and autistic people
  • supports people to have their say
  • runs consultations and drop ins to give people a say on all sorts of issues, and influence decisions
  • shares your views with Newham Council at the Autism and the Learning Disability Resident Advisory Groups 

Join us at a drop in on the second Monday of every month, at The Resource Centre, 200 Chargeable Lane, Newham, E18 1EL. 

1-2pm: all adults who have a learning disability.

2-3pm: all adults who are autistic or have a learning disability. 

3-4pm: all adults who are autistic.

Cost: free.

Hot drinks and biscuits provided.

To find out more about us, please email

You can also email us at or call us on 0300 303 1660.