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Speak Out Lincolnshire


A voice for people in Lincolnshire who have a learning disability.

What does Speak Out do?

  • acts as a voice for people of all ages who have a learning disability, their families and carers
  • supports people to get involved in all aspects of the running and delivery of Lincolnshire County Council’s Learning Disability Partnership board

We are for anyone in Lincolnshire who has a learning disability.

Our Speak Out Leaders support people to get involved in all aspects of the running and delivery of Lincolnshire County Council’s Learning Disability Partnership board, including Board Meetings and working groups, such as Staying Safe and Healthy Living.

By running events to give people, their family and carers a say on all sorts of issues, and working with professionals and organisations as active partners, we aim to improve health and social care services across Lincolnshire for people with learning disabilities.

Find out more and get involved

Get involved by joining a Voices For All’ session, giving us feedback for our working groups or just telling us what is working well for you in your life or what could be better for people with a learning disability in any aspect of their life.
Email or call 0300 303 1660
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

You can also check this page for future updates.