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Coronavirus and human rights: our submission to parliament’s Joint Committee of Human Rights

VoiceAbility 10 September 2020

In July, we responded to an Inquiry by the Joint Committee of Human Rights, who were looking into the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on human rights.

The Joint Committee of Human Rights is a parliamentary committee made of MPs and members of the House of Lords. Their role is to examine matters relating to human rights, and to scrutinise government legislation for its compatibility with human rights.

We sent this response to their inquiry into the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on human rights.

We submitted our evidence based on our experience of delivering advocacy during the coronavirus pandemic. We work with people who may struggle to be heard when decisions are made that could affect whether or how their rights are fulfilled. For example, the right to healthcare, housing, liberty, private and family life, and protection from abuse or harm.