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QPM reaccreditation for VoiceAbility

20 May 2020

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded Quality Performance Mark (QPM) reaccreditation for another three years. This confirms and celebrates the quality of the advocacy services our frontline staff provide every day.

The QPM is the UK’s only independent quality performance mark for organisations offering independent advocacy. It provides commissioners with a robust benchmark to measure independent advocacy services, ensuring they select the very best providers.

The Advocacy Quality Performance Mark is only awarded to advocacy organisations who can demonstrate that they are providing excellent services to people often experiencing challenging situations in their lives. It indicates that they have the training and policies in place to ensure people’s rights are upheld and their preferences are heard and responded to.

Gail Petty, QPM Manager

To gain the QPM, we underwent a rigorous self-assessment process and policy review, followed by a structured site visit for assessors to meet advocates and the people they support.

In their final report on our services, the assessors wrote

It is clear that VoiceAbility is providing good quality, person-centred advocacy supported by sound policies and procedures.

In particular, the independent assessors highlighted

  • our highly person-centred advocacy practice
  • our excellence in non-instructed advocacy
  • our thorough approach to safeguarding
  • overwhelmingly positive feedback from clients and external stakeholders

The assessors also highlighted our strong commitment to continuous improvement and gave us some very useful feedback about how we can improve further. Suggestions for improvement included

  • more opportunities for sharing learning and expertise across the organisation
  • better collection of feedback
  • improved outcome reporting

The assessors’ report recognised that we are already working on all the areas for improvement through our new organisational strategy and our Change Programme, which we will complete by autumn 2020. The improvements will support consistency across all our local teams, ensure best practice is identified and shared nationally and enhance our recording and reporting.