Speak Out Cambridgeshire: Treat Me Well
Treat Me Well
We have learnt that not all people with a learning disability and autistic people:
- know about the learning disability specialist nurses who can help make a hospital visit so much easier
- have a hospital, or health, passport which gives people important information about them and how they like to be treated
We also heard that hospital staff don’t always know how they can make our visits easier.
So, we applied for funding from Mencap to make three films (with HackCreative) about:
- learning disability nurses and how they can help us
- hospital passports
- top tips for working with someone with a learning disability – this film is particularly for hospital staff
See more information here
Here are some of the other things that Learning Disability Specialist Nurses can do to help us:
- Provide additional advice and support to people and their family and supporters when they come in contact with the hospital. This includes things like:
- signposting
- providing extra support
- helping to sort out any problems
- helping people to feedback to relevant complaint and safeguarding processes
Here are some of the other things that Learning Disability Specialist Nurses do:
- Provide additional advice and support for other medical staff around:
- Communication
- Mental Capacity and best interest discussions
- Making reasonable adjustments
- Additional support that people might need
- Work closely with the primary and community Learning Disability Services to make sure the transition between from acute (hospital) back home is smooth.
- Awareness raising and staff training across the hospital
- Learning Disability and Autism improvement programmes
- Raising awareness of national programmes such as the Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (LeDeR) and STOMP
- Encouraging people with a learning disability, families, supporters and external organisations to get involved in co-production and consultations
- Collecting data, audits, staff and service user surveys
If your local hospital is not listed here, just ring the main hospital number and ask them to put you in touch with the learning disability nurse.
Hinchingbrooke, Huntingdon
Marie Stokes-Davy - Learning Disability Nurse Advisor
Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE29 6NT
Tel: 01480 416581
Main switchboard: 01480 416416
Sue Bates - Learning Disability Nurse Advisor
Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals
Edith Cavell Campus, Bretton Gate, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE3 9GZ
Tel: 01733 673832
Email: susan.bates15@nhs.net
To get in touch with Marie and Sue email: nwangliaft.ldandaforum@nhs.net
Addenbrookes, Cambridge
Cheryl Exley - Learning Disability Specialist Nurse
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, CB2 0QQ
Tel: 01223 216133
Mobile: 07928128 664
Main switchboard: 01223 245 151
Email: Cheryl.exley@addenbrookes.nhs.uk
Lisa Kingsley - Clinical Nurse Specialist, Paediatric Learning Disability & Autism
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, CB2 0QQ
Mobile: 07510 383 727
Main switchboard: 01223 245 151
Email: cuh.add.tr-childsennurse@nhs.net
West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St Edmunds
Emer O’Mahony - Learning Disability Nurse
West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2QZ
Tel: 01284 713973
Medi bleep: 3973
Email: emer.omahony@wsh.nhs.uk
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King’s Lynn
Liam - Learning Disability Liaison Nurse
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, King’s Lynn, PE30 4ET
Main switchboard: 01553 613613
Bleep: 4905
Direct Dial Tel: 01553 214584
Email: cutulph.ashby@gehkl.nhs.uk
Joanne Field - Lead for Liaison Service
Email: Joanne.field@qehkl.nhs.uk
Debbie Wigley - Learning Disability Liaison Nurse
Telephone: 01604 545431
Email: debbie.wigley@ngh.nhs.uk
Leanne Farmer - Acute Learning Disability Liaison Nurse.
Telephone: 01536 491241
You can download a hospital passport here: Health Guides: Hospital Passports, Summary Care Records And Flu Jabs | Mencap
Addenbrookes info about hospital passports is here: https://www.cuh.nhs.uk/accessibility-information/
Northampton’s link to download a hospital passport: Learning disability support (northamptongeneral.nhs.uk)