Learning Disability and Autism advocacy in Oldham
Learning Disability and Autism advocacy is for individuals who are identified as having a learning disability, autism, or acquired brain injury and would like support.
This support could be in relation to an issue around their health or social care (for example with access to services, housing, and care planning). Or they would like support to develop self-advocacy skills.
When to refer (Personal/crisis advocacy)
When an individual is identified as having a learning disability, autism, or acquired brain injury and would like support in relation to an issue around their health or social care (for example with access to services, housing, and care planning).
Advocate’s role
To support the client to understand their rights and options, work with them to develop an action plan, and support them to work towards that action plan. To support the client to have their voice heard in processes and decisions that affect their care.
When to refer (Support for self advocates)
When an individual is identified as having a learning disability, autism, or acquired brain injury and would like support to develop self-advocacy skills.
Advocate’s role
To support the client to develop self-advocacy skills (this may be in a group setting). To support the client to attend the Oldham Learning Disability Partnership Board.
How to refer
Referrals for this service must be made by a health or social care professional. If you feel that you would benefit from this support, please speak with someone involved in your care.