Read aloud or translate

Use Your Power social media sharing guide

Please help us raise awareness by sharing our Use Your Power campaign on your own social media channels, and with your social media networks. 

Share our social media content

Please help us raise awareness by:

1. Following us on our social media channels

2. Liking, commenting on and sharing VoiceAbility’s social posts throughout the campaign on your own channels 

Can you please include the #UseYourPower hashtag and tag us in each post where possible.

Our social media handles are: 

  • Facebook: @VoiceAbility 
  • Twitter/​X: @VoiceAbility 
  • Instagram: @VoiceAbility_ 
  • LinkedIn: @VoiceAbility 

Create your own content using our social media assets

1. Share our Heartbreaking stories behind the numbers’ video: 

2. Share a tailor-made social media post to start the conversation with

We have some suggested posts to help you spread the word.

Example X/​Twitter thread: 

Tweet 1 of 2: 2,000+ people with a learning disability and autistic people are being detained in mental health hospitals. The average stay is 5 years.

This is leading to trauma and loss of life. 

#UseYourPower to change this. Sign to call on govt to use its new powers to direct NHS England 👇 

Tweet 2 of 2: Sign @VoiceAbility’s petition, find out more about the campaign, and watch their new film sharing some of the heartbreaking personal stories behind the numbers at:

Example X/​Twitter post:

The detention of people with learning disabilities and autistic people in mental health hospitals is leading to trauma and loss of life. 

@DHSCgovuk and @NHSEngland must improve support. 

Sign @Voiceability’s petition: #UseYourPower

Example Facebook/​Instagram/​LinkedIn post: 

This week, the government will fail to meet its promise to halve the number of people with a learning disability and autistic people in mental health hospitals by the end of March 2024. 

The Use Your Power campaign calls on all UK political parties to use their new powers to direct NHS England to urgently improve support for people to live in the community and reduce hospital detention. 

Over 2,000 people with a learning disability and autistic people are currently being detained in mental health hospitals — the average stay is about five years. This leading to lifelong trauma and loss of life. 

Use your power to change this. 

Sign @VoiceAbility’s petition, find out more about the campaign, and watch their film sharing some of the heartbreaking personal stories behind the numbers at:


3. Write your own post using our campaign graphics 

16:9 graphic with short strapline (NB: Right click and save the image to your computer)

16:9 graphic with long strapline (NB: Right click and save the image to your computer)

1:1 graphic without strapline (NB: Right click and save the image to your computer)

1:1 graphic with short strapline (NB: Right click and save the image to your computer)

1:1 graphic with long strapline (NB: Right click and save the image to your computer)