Our services in Coventry
We provide the following services:
Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA)
What’s this?
Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCAs) support people who lack capacity to make decisions about their long term accommodation or serious medical treatment and who do not have any friends or family appropriate to consult.
Relevant Person's Representative (RPR)
What’s this?
When a DoLS authorisation is in place and there is no suitable RPR, an advocate can take on the role of RPR.
Care Act advocacy
What’s this?
Independent Care Act advocates support people to understand their rights under the Care Act and to be fully involved in decisions about any care and support they need. This includes local authority assessments, care reviews, care and support planning and safeguarding processes.
Rule 1.2 Representative
What’s this?
Support if someone is or may be deprived of their liberty in a community or domestic setting.
Experts by Experience
What’s this?
Experts by Experience use their own experience of learning disability to support care providers to give the best service to people with learning disabilities.
Make a referral
Get support for yourself or someone you know and check eligibility.
Contact us by phone
Contact us by email
Our services are available to people who live in Coventry or who are registered at a GP surgery in Coventry.
If using paper referral forms you must return these via a secure method
We recommend using the online referral form, but if you need to download a form instead, please use one of the following options for returning it.
1. Post the referral form to our Head Office: VoiceAbility, c/o Sayer Vincent, Invicta House, 108-114 Golden Lane, London, EC1Y 0TL
2. Email to CWAdvocacy@voiceability.org via a secure method, for example the following are acceptable if you have access to one of these:
- Sophos email (available to Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust staff)
- Egress email (available to Warwickshire County Council staff)
- @coventry.gov.uk email (available to Coventry City Council staff)
3. Email from a CJSM account to cwadvocacy@voiceability.cjsm.net
For data security reasons, do not email referral forms unless you are using a secure method, even if you password protect documents. (Coventry City Council have assured us their email is secure). If you do not have access to a secure email, or simply prefer to call us, please phone 0300 222 5947 to make the referral, instead of completing the form.
It is essential that we keep people’s data secure. Please remember that it is your responsibility to send information to us securely. We are continuing to review secure email routes. If we are able to offer any additional referral routes we will add them to this page.